Learning Objectives

  • Share availability with others using a spreadsheet


Copy this General Weekly Availability Spreadsheet for your cohort and share it with everyone. If no one has done this yet, take the initiative and do it.

  • Someone in your cohort needs to bookmark this spreadsheet on your cohort channel in Slack.
  • Someone in your cohort also needs to do a brief post on Slack linking people to this spreadsheet.

This is one file for the cohort, not one per person.


Sharing our general availability means that you and your peers can identify roughly who is available and when.

Why is this important?

Because you can then identify pairs and groups that can help each other, and helping each other is good for the community and your relationship, and makes us feel good about ourselves.


Add your general availability (10 minutes)

Goal: Share your weekly availability with your peers

  1. Open to the cohort’s General Weekly Availability spreadsheet.
  2. Add your name to the next line that is available in column A.
  3. Use the same colour as the example to identify when you are available.
  4. Leave non-available slots in grey. (Examples of Non-available slots: school pick-up/drop-off times, eating times, individual studying, part-time job, resting time, exercising times, mental health focus, etc. You do not have to detail what you are doing, but consider these when adding your availability)

Tip: Copy and paste one of the current coloured cells to your cell, this way you don’t have to figure out what’s the correct colour to use.